Classroom Celebrations

Birthday Parties

Parents often want to send in treats to honor their child's birthday in the classroom. Due to Covid, we are only accepting individually, prepackaged treats like Drake's Cakes, Hostess or Little Debbies. Parents should leave treats with the front office staff.

Allowable treats are:

  • Rice Krispies treats
  • Small individually wrapped treats (Hostess, Little Debbie, etc)
  • Small individually packaged snacks such as pretzels, popcorn, fishes etc.

Not allowed are:

  • Homemade treats
  • Cakes (nothing requiring cutting and serving)
  • Presents
  • Decorations such as balloons
  • Candles
  • Chips
  • Beverages
  • Party bags

The teacher will determine the appropriate time in the school day to share the treats and celebrate the Birthday.

Parents may send in invitations for a home party ONLY if there is an invitation for everyone in the classroom. Parents are not allowed to celebrate with their child in the classroom or lunchroom. If a parent has a question about birthday celebrations please feel free to call the front office.  

Accelerated Reader Celebrations

These parties will be determined by the grade level as part of the Accelerated Reader Plan and submitted for approval to administration at the beginning of the school year. The student requirements must be communicated to parents by the grade level with a reminder sent on Parentlink before the end of the AR test close date.

Other Grade Level Incentive Parties

Incentive parties for homework, attendance or other reasons must be submitted in writing to administration for approval. If approved, please remember to email office staff at least the day before, so that they may answer specific questions about dress, etc.